Most people want to “connect” with others. God has created us with the need for friendships. We need others pouring their lives into us and we need others whom we can help. We recognize that the one necessary ingredient for discipleship is time. The gospels reveal that Jesus invested His time in strategic relationships. There were three in His inner circle, twelve chosen disciples, a couple hundred who followed Jesus periodically, and thousands more whose lives were touched. All received varying levels of instruction and time.
Based on Jesus’ strategy, at Immanuel Bible Church we focus more on relationships than on programs. Programs can cause busyness without the benefit of building relationships. Thus, our goal is to provide activities where “life-touching-life” discipleship happens. And the links on this page and in the “Ministries” drop down menu describe the main ways we provide discipleship opportunities at IBC.
Membership in a church affords believers the opportunity to be involved in a mission that is larger than self. Membership in a community of believers provides.
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Discipleship happens in many ways in our church. But however it happens it requires time and purposeful mentoring. We strongly encourage parents to have daily family devotions. Once every month on a Sunday evening we...
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Our small groups provide opportunities for Bible study, fellowship with other committed believers, and encouragement. This is one of the best ways to get to know others. There are...
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