New Here?

We know that visiting a new church can be intimidating. So we want you to know up front that we are not perfect and have a long way to go in Christ. We invite you to come as you are.

Our core values include humility and transparency. So whether life is going well or you are hurting deeply, you will not be judged but received lovingly. Visitors regularly tell us that we are one of the friendliest churches they have ever visited. If that is true, then it is because of what the Lord has done in us.

What to expect

Worship Service 9:00 am

Prayer – First Timothy 2:1 urges us to include entreaties, prayers, petitions, and thanksgivings during our corporate worship. So one of the elders begins the service by praying for our family of the week, missionary of the week, persecuted saint of the week, and additional needs of our congregation and community.

Music – We plan our singing to direct our focus on God. The music we sing is a blend of hymns and new songs with rich words that build up the body.

Scripture Reading – We read the Scriptures as part of our worship. 1 Timothy 4:13 directs us to give attention to the public reading of the Word to allow the Lord to speak to us individually.

Preaching – Sermons occupy more than half of our service time. Most of our sermons are verse-by-verse expositions through a selected book of the Bible. Our pastor carefully explains the meaning of the words of the Bible, uses helpful illustrations, and practically applies God’s Word to our lives.

Fellowship Time 10:25 am

    Following the worship service, some remain on the main level for fellowship while many make their way to the lower level for light snacks, coffee, juice, and water. We welcome visitors to participate in this fellowship time after the service to allow us all to get acquainted.

    Adult Bible Fellowship and Sunday School 10:45 am

      We have classes for all ages, where we gather for instruction in the Scriptures.

      Sunday Evening 6:00 pm

      The evening service offers a time of singing and teaching from the Word.

      Wednesday Evening 6:30 pm

        After beginning with a hymn and a prayer, we engage in Bible study for about 25 minutes, followed by gathering into small groups for a time of prayer. To help us focus, we receive a printed list of prayer requests, but are not limited to that list during our prayer time.